Marabou Fin 70% Premium Hallon 100g

Marabou this is Sweden's most beloved chocolate brand. It all started in the 19th century when Johan Throne Holst founded the company. 1916 the brand Marabou was born. In the year 1957, the recipe was created, which still stands for the unique taste of Marabou chocolate.

Ingredienser: Kakaomassa, socker, kakaosmör, fettreducerad/fedtfattig kakao, SMÖRFETT/SMØROLIE, hallon/hindbær (1,1%), äpple/æble, aromer, druvsocker/dextrose, ananasfiber, emulgeringsmedel/emulgator (SOJALECITIN), färgämne/farve (E163), förtjockningsmedel/fortykningsmidler (E341, E401), surhetsreglerande medel/surhedsregulator (E575), MJÖLKPULVER/MÆLKEPULVER. Minst 70% kakao/kakaotørstof. KAN INNEHÅLLA NÖTTER/NØDDER.

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